25649 Springdale Rd McLouth KS 66054
More Than Used Trucks
Parts - Sales - Service
Thanks for visiting Courtney's LLC online.
Courtney's LLC is a 40 years family owned and operated business. Courtney's LLC has been known as Courtney's Used Trucks and Courtney's Used Trucks Agri. Business in the past. We have recently expanded to Courtney's LLC and moved our location down the road.
We sell Used Trucks, Vermeer and Highline farm equipment, Grasshopper lawn mowers, PopUp gooseneck hitches, Triple C INC. Hydra Beds and Pro Spear Beds, Iron Star Beds, Bradford Built Beds, Ranch Hand grill guards and truck accessories.
We repair it all - Trucks, cars, farm equipment, lawnmowers, trailers and anything else with a motor! We offer all wheel alignments, sell tires and batteries, oil changes, and much more. So stop on by and see what we are all about!
For your Trucks, Cars & Tractors we offer these services:
General maintenance & repair,
4 wheel alignment, Tires
Hydraulic hose repair, Baler belts
& chains, Net wrap & twine
Grasshopper Parts & Accessories
Hay Boss In Line Hay Trailers